Monday, January 19, 2009

Santa Adam

Isn't my Santa Adam cute? Becky and the kids have been over several times the past few days. Adam had us laughing when he did this. This is my Santa Spud - I now have three Mr. Potato Heads and I didn't even know I was collecting them! :) They do make me laugh and Adam likes to play with them. (I have Darth Tater and Indiana Spud, too!) Kevin brought me this one from the MTC that a missionary left behind. (They leave behind lots of things apparently!) Anyway, Adam makes me laugh. The other day we went to Wal-Mart. When we left I gave him a banana I bought. By the time we were in the car he was done and wanted another one. Becky said I could give him another one. He finished it and then cried all the way home, "I need three bananas." He cracks me up!

1 comment:

  1. You need to post the picture of Katy with the Mr. Potato head glasses on! That's the best! Another generation of children wearing Mr. Potato Head stuff.
